Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas to my Easton!

Dear Easton,
I wanted to tell you Merry Christmas! I will be thinking of you on Christmas day and wishing that you were here with us. I know that you are busy up in heaven doing lots of good things, but I wanted to wish you Merry Christmas and let you know that your mommy loves you very much!
Lots of love,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

December and my Easton

Last night was a long night.Karson didn't want to sleep unless I was holding him, which makes sleep for me difficult. I was in his room in the rocking chair and he was laying on my cheest and I was listening to his stuffy breathing and even though it was 3:00 in the morning and I was tired, the tears started falling down my face, and I was reminded how lucky I am to have this sweet boy in my life. He helped heal me from my loss of Easton.

We found out I was pregnant with Karson last year the beginning of November. It was my best Christmas gift. I was dreading Christmas. I tried not to think about it too much, but I was supposed to have a one month old baby by Christmas and that wasn't going to happen. I was so sad and so happy at the same time. It was a really wierd place for me. Often in my quiet moments with Karson my thoughts drift to Easton and I wonder about him and think about what he is doing. I always think of the emotions I will feel when I actually get to meet him one day and quite honestly I can't even comprehend it.

So I think that at Christmas time I am always going to have a little emptiness inside, because I miss my son. I look forward to all of the new memories with Karson and Kaili and my other kids yet to come, but we will always be missing someone. It is ok and I accept that he is gone, it's just in those quiet moments where my thoughts drift and I wonder.....